
The General Assembly

The General Assembly defines the general policy, handles the elections and exercises general control over ECSSA.


The President

The President is invested with the full executive power of the Confederation. He delegates part of it to members of the Executive Committee.  He is responsible for promoting the standing of ECSSA externally and to the membership.


The Secretary General

The Secretary General acts under the mandate of the Executive Committee as a deputy to the President. He is responsible for the daily management of the Federation.


The Executive Committee

ECSSA is administered by an Executive Committee. The current ExCo comprises of Mrs Valerie Schena Ehrenberger, President (ASSOCONSULT, Italy), Mr. Wolfram Tröger, Vice President (BDU, Germany), Mrs. Ann Cattelain, Vice President (FEDERGON, Belgium), Mr. Ernesto Poveda, Director (AEBYS, Spain), Mr. Grégoire Beaurain, Director (Sintec Conseil, France), Mrs. Gwladys Costant, Director (fr2s, Luxembourg) and Mr. Jörg Murmann, ECSSA Secretary General (BDU, Germany)